
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

"Spring Has Sprung"

As much as I love winter, there is something about the warm weather months that's absolutely fabulous. The dawdling daylight, the fresh breezes and warm dirt, the flowers (because flowers are amazing), the kids playing outside, screens on open windows and all the robins gracing our backyard with their presence. 

And as much as I'd love to write a big long post all about why I love spring,  I'm going to try and keep it mainly to pictures today. If you're wondering where I was over the weekend we were dancing at Latta :) I've got a huge post coming up for you about that, full of pictures and videos too! But until things slow down a little here is Tuesday's post, with pictures of what it looks like here :) 

To start out, we had one of the most beautiful sunsets I think I've ever seen. It was orange and yellow mainly and bright as all get out, literally the sky looked as if on fire. I walked all the way up the road to try and get a more treeless picture of it, and I stayed outside marveling in it's beauty 'til it disappeared. 

Right now we have daffodils, forsythia, butterfly bushes, a little bit of vinca, Japenese Magnolia, and camelia blooming. We have so many different flowers growing in our yard, I can't wait for them all to start blooming :) 

a yard full of flower petals

I hosted a little tea party with some girlfriends and made mini cupcakes in flower wrappers :) And I painted my nails :)

the puppies are getting so big!

Do you have many flowers blooming where you live? If so, which are your favorites?
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  1. Yup we have ornamental pears blooming :) We have sunsets like that a lot. :) I think I prefer softer sunsets myself ;)

    1. Can't wait to see 'em! Maybe I'll even take some pictures :) I do too, especially in pictures. But this last one was like nothing I'd ever seen before and I loved it!
